Questions For Magistrate/Judge

The downloadable document below contains a list of questions based on self-evident truths as they exist in reality to ask any man or woman claiming the moral authority to be the sole judge of your fate.
Before relying on this as a script to read out word for word in the fake courts consider this. There are a growing number of Magistrates and Judges that are hypersensitive about having their fake authority exposed and are therefore intolerant to people that read out written statements as they derive a perverted thrill out of the dual of being challenged as a means to assert their dominance.
Although they will do their best to shut you down rapidly, some hold a private respect for those who possess the capacity to handle themselves under pressure in the moment, which can trigger them to use their unchallenged discretion to alter outcomes.
Rule Of Law
It is important to keep in mind when dealing with the men and women in the judicial system that Australia’s legitimate law system is founded on the democratic rule of law, which emphasises justice and equality for everyone.
Central to this system is the principle that every individual is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers, regardless of the nature of the case to ensure that justice is carried out in a fair and impartial manner, with equal consideration given to all individuals.
These imposters posing as public servants are meant to have sworn an oath to defend the democratic rule of law and using the questions contained in the document below will challenge the legitimacy of the perceived authority they claim to hold and expose them for the frauds that they are.