Lawful Notice Process
To better understand the lawful notice process, it is important to recognise that it is grounded in universal morality. While it may be tempting to approach the notice process with the sole purpose of achieving a victory, it is crucial to keep in mind that we are advocating for what is right and just.
The principles we stand on demand that men and women working for corporate entities demonstrate their compliance with the Law of the Land and their oath (if they are public servants).
This is a 5-step notice process crafted by Practical Lawful Dissent founder David Robinson, serves as a means of holding these men and women who work for these entities personally accountable for their actions. Through the process we remain steadfast in our commitment to the truth and moral correctness.
Please refer to our Community page to find a local MC1215 community near you for support and resources that can assist you with the process.
Please read the following detailed guides thoroughly on how to use the lawful notice process correctly and make sure that you understand and are comfortable with the process before you begin to serve notices.
Pocket Caution Card
Keep this card handy to declare you are standing under MC1215 to any proclaimed “authority” figure trying to harass you.
Oath Of Allegiance
To Oath of Allegiance is the first step in the process to initiate and is your open statement of intention to follow the Rule of Law and your lawful standing under MC1215 Article 61.
The Oath must be completed before any notices are sent and a copy of it is sent with your first notice.
Please note: witness signatures on the Oath of Allegiance must be in wet ink by each witness.
Please download the Oath Of Allegiance guide in the Guides section above for greater detail.
Cover Letters
One of these Cover letters below will be sent with Notice 1 in Lawful Notice Process (Demands), which is the Notice of Conditional Acceptance.
Depending on if you are addressing the Head of a corporation or someone lower in the ranks, will depend on which one you send.
Lawful Notice Process – Demands
The “Demands” process is to be initiated when unlawful demands such as infringements, fines, court summons etc have been placed upon you.
Please refer to the Guide To Lawful Notice – Demands, for detailed information on this process.
The version of the Notice Of Conditional Acceptance below is specific to Australians as it includes further evidence of treason pertaining specifically to Australia.
Again, the below notice is specific to Australians.
Lawful Notice Process – NO Demands
This process is to be initiated when NO demands are made on you, but you want to remove the presumption that you are standing under the criminal legislative system.
It is a means to forewarn the alleged agents of the crown on the consequences they face should they choose to initiate action that forces you to break the law.
Please refer to the Guide To Lawful Notice – No Demands, for detailed information on this process.
In the event of receiving a reply to one of your notices, a rebuttal notice is essential to accompany your NEXT notice, depending on where you are up to in the process.
Chose one which best relates to your circumstances.

Comply Under Duress
In the event that the pressures of maintaining your position are too great and you wish to comply with the demands made on you to avoid further stress to yourself and family, sometimes complying under duress using this template may be a solution.
Letter Of Support – Commonwealth
The Letter Of Support can be used to support a colleague, whom is initiating the Lawful Notice Process to add additional weight and inform the recipient that the individual that is sending the notices is supported by others.
It acts as additional evidence against the recipient and essentially alerts them that there is 3rd party witness that is also aware of their misconduct and crimes.
Per Procurationem Certification
All notices in the process require 3 witness to sign as witness to your signature.
In the event that you have trouble regularly getting a witness to sign your notices, you can have them sign this PP certification form.
This allows you to be able to sign on behalf of them on future notices without the need to get them to do it in person.
Where the witness signature is required you simply place the letters PP in front of the witness space followed by your signature and the printed name of your witness.
Further Info
Below is some further information to be aware of, including some scripts and questions to ask those that claim to be Crown agents or public servants.
Be sure to record any interactions that you may have with any of these people and retain as further evidence and social proof of the criminal system that is responsible for our modern day slavery.