Magna Carta 1215

Restoring our common law constitution Magna Carta 1215


Freedom Is A Birthright: Magna Carta 1215’s Empowering Path to Self-Rule

The Erosion of Our Rights, Freedoms, and Finances, One Deceptive Step at a Time

Have you ever noticed how our rights, freedoms, and money in our pocket has been slowly taken away from us little by little?

Most times the ‘concept’ is sold as a short-term solution or initiative with an end date (like paying a toll to fund a newly constructed bridge), however that end date never arrives and all of a sudden, we have lost another freedom or been hit with another permanent burdensome expense. 

Manufactured Struggles: Exposing the Strategy to Erode the Last Vestiges of Freedom

Surely, we would notice this happening – wouldn’t we? Ordinarily yes, however, imagine being so consumed with just surviving day-to-day that these things slipped through our fingers as easily as the sands from Bondi Beach.

Most of us, somewhere in our lifetime have felt the weight on our shoulders to keep food on the table, trying to achieve some sense of balance between work, life, and our children, managing sickness, running around to make sporting events, holding down multiple jobs, the list goes on….


Would you agree it’s just too much and a great distraction to divert your attention away from a very slow and steady erosion of our liberties. It is a rather smart way of gaining control under the radar.

Something changed in 2020. The dominance for control escalated in an audacious fashion resulting in our rights and freedoms being stripped from us at rapid pace by the very governments we rely on to protect us.

Believe it or not their forceful, nonsensical actions and double standards was a gift in disguise, it revealed the deceit and depravity we have been living for generations.

Finally, the fog had lifted, and we could clearly see things for what they truly were. As a result, many embarked on a search for truth. Enter Magna Carta 1215.

Before we delve further, you are probably asking,

How can Magna Carta 1215 be law if no one has ever heard of it?

How can we know of the existence of a law that protects our natural born freedoms if we were never taught about it? The knowledge we have accumulated over time is largely due to our external influences: education, family and friends, work, news sources etc.

Put simply, if the information (input) you absorb is of poor quality, the quality of one’s behaviour (output) will be equally as poor. Just as eating a low-quality diet means the body performs poorly.

Sadly, and for generations, we have been fed poor information.

Magna Carta 1215 was a peace treaty written by some of the most notable barons of the thirteenth century and sealed by King John of England. It came about after the king’s numerous atrocities and unchivalrous gross offences placed him outside the law of the land to which he was subject and already bound by oath. The barons carefully penned a series of articles that outlined their grievances and stated their rights and privileges protecting the rights of all people. Magna Carta 1215, also known as ‘The Great Charter’ was the first document to put in writing the principle that all people are born with rights and freedoms and the king and his government were not above the law.

It came about after the king’s numerous atrocities and unchivalrous gross offences placed him outside the law of the land to which he was subject and already bound by oath.

The barons carefully penned a series of articles that outlined their grievances and stated their rights and privileges protecting the rights of all people.

Magna Carta 1215, also known as ‘The Great Charter’ was the first document to put in writing the principle that all people are born with rights and freedoms and the king and his government were not above the law.

Two of the most notable sections that articulate an agreement to live under the principles of universal morality reads:

Article 39: “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.

Article 40: “To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.”

Forces with a lust for absolute power knew that Magna Carta 1215 could not be allowed to stand if they were to satisfy their insatiable appetite for absolute control, so after Magna Carta was sealed these forces immediately went to work to eradicate all knowledge of its existence.

Unveiling the Hidden Agenda to Erase Magna Carta 1215 and Its Enduring Significance in Our Current Struggle for Freedom

The collective will of the people for self-determination as expressed in Magna Carta 1215 was systematically disassembled over time, with all knowledge of the peoples innate right to self-governance being eradicated, as evidenced by claims that Pope Innocent III had legitimate right to annul the charter weeks later.

Subsequently the Magna Carta was redrafted and reissued in 1216, 1217, 1225 and finally a statue version created by parliament 1297.

An important fact that has been concealed must be realised, the Magna Carta 1215 was sealed, not signed, by King John, making it forever binding upon all future governments.

It can only be unsealed by the people and that has never happened, therefore it is still valid to this day.

Being that Magna Carta 1215 is the lawful constitution for the entire English Commonwealth Realm of which Australia is a part, no king, queen, pope, parliament past or present can amend or repeal it therefore its original provisions remain intact.

On 23rd March 2001 the Barons Committee invoked the lawful security and restoration clause that is Article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215 which deposed the head of state of the entire Commonwealth, meaning, all her majesties governments were constitutionally dissolved.

Article 61 Unites the People to Restore the Law that Prosecutes Government Tyranny

Article 61 is the 3-step instruction manual that unites the people to restore the Rule of the Law that asserts our absolute undeniable right to not only defend ourselves and our communities from tyranny and oppression but to see that justice is done.


Just as King John unleashed havoc on his people, today’s government is operating in the same tyrannical manner. The barons, the people’s musketeers, have once again set forth to watch over and ‘protect the people’ by invoking Article 61 to preserve the rights and freedoms that need to be exercised in order to keep peace with one another.

Through Article 61 and practicing lawful dissent, we can peacefully and lawfully restore our people’s sovereignty and our children’s rights and freedoms.

For more specific detail regarding the lawful restoration process and reasserting our natural born rights we encourage you to explore the multitude of resources on this site including the videos, reading and notices pages.

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