Magna Carta 1215

Restoring our common law constitution Magna Carta 1215

Questions For Council Employees


Are you aware that local councils have no lawful authority to make demands, levy fees and charges, or impose fines?

Are you aware that making unlawful demands on fellow Crown subjects, using the excuse that “I’m just doing my job” is a criminal offence, for which you may expect to stand trial before a jury of your peers?

Do you understand that the people of Australia have twice rejected the proposition, in referenda, that local government be included as a third tier of government in this country?

The first was in 1974, when the proposal was for the Federal government to be granted the power to provide funding to local government agencies, as it saw fit. The second was in 1988, when the proposal to directly establish local government as a third tier, was rejected by all States, by an almost 2-1 majority.

All State acts or statutes which purport to give authority to local councils are therefore unconstitutional and unlawful, lack royal assent from a legitimate line of authority and attempting to enforce them is a criminal act. Do you understand?

An even stronger reason why legislation falsely asserting authority to State governments to initiate local councils is unlawful, is the invocation on March 23rd, 2001, of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215. Magna Carta is the formalised restatement of the English common law constitution, covers the entire British Commonwealth, and overrides all statute law.

Failure to disprove the previous five points serves as evidence that you lack legitimate authority to make demands. You are working for a for-profit corporation, devoid of Crown authority: no different to Coles or Bunnings.

When people make unlawful demands or issue threats with menaces to command compliance, it is the individual signing the demands who is liable in their personal and unlimited capacity for any damage caused or damages awarded Do you understand?

Being an ‘order follower’ is very unwise because all Crown subjects are expected to follow their consciences in upholding the common law, irrespective of position. No job grants lawful authority to deliberately infringe another’s inalienable rights.

You are advised to make searching enquiries of your employers regarding these points, to avoid potentially disastrous outcomes to your financial and social standings in the future.

All these points are easily provable, and simply taking the word of your employers, rather than doing your own due diligence, is not recommended. Maxim in law: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

Supporting our families is very important, but there are plenty of jobs available which do not involve criminal behaviour. To gain some understanding of the implications of this advice sheet, access the links shown below.

Article 61 – Implications

Article 61 and the Common Law

A campaign is currently running to send these questions to all as many council employees in Australia as possible and is open to anyone willing to participate.

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